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L.E.A. Campaign

Hey, It’s Sean here,

What is a L.E.A. Campaign? It’s a campaign where we Leverage an Existing Asset.

Now imagine the voice of the God Father himself Marlon Brando saying, “I want to make you an offer you can’t refuse!”

You interested?  Here’s the deal…

Could you use an extra $30K, $50K, or $100K this month in sales?

I’m talking, generating a large sum of sales revenue without having to change a thing…  No website changes, no offer changes, no funnel changes, plus, you don’t even have to spend a dime on media.

Got your interest?

The only thing you need… Assets!  As in virtual assets.  I’m talking , a list of targeted prospects, a list of targeted past clients, or access to a targeted group, such as, Facebook or Discord.

And of course, more or more solid offers.


You and I jump on a call to discuss your offer and to see what we can do…

…can we do a product stack to increase the value?

…can we offer the a customer more time to your product or service?  I.e., Upgrade your clients to an annual pass or life time pass?

…can we close the leads you fell short on in the past?

Make sense?

Need a rush of cash flow? Turn your existing assets upside down and shake then let’s scale.


The prospects or leads we pitch MUST be financially qualified.  Unfortunately, we cannot close BIG ticket deals talking to broke leads.

Trust me…  we’ve been there / done that, it never ends well!

Remember, we work strictly on commission so our partners, like you, need to ensure we’re talking to targeted leads.

Interested? Shoot me a text or call me now: 702.308.0401.

Talk soon,


P.S.  If you feel there’s still a ton of financial value in your assets then trust me when I say… he path of least resistance.

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