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 Commission Only Closers

Want more $2K, $5K, $10K, & even $25K sales WITHOUT ever jumping on the phone?

"Now You Can Borrow My PROVEN Team Of Closers To Sell YOUR High Ticket Products Or Services With ZERO Out Of Pocket Costs!"

A Done For you "Commission Only" Telesales Solution!
From: Sean Smith
Location: Macon, GA

Dear business owner,

What’s the #1 way you can boost profits and maximize growth as a product owner, course creator, or service provider?

Hint, it's three words: BIG - TICKET - SALES

That’s right, nothing moves the revenue needle more than BIG ticket sales.

More specifically, upgrading your clients, customers, and qualified leads into your premium programs.

Crazy concept, right?

"From $0 to a significant amount of sales in 3-months"

Back To The Basics

Who would’ve guessed it. The biggest profit breakthroughs would come from getting back to the basics.

And actually jumping on the phone pitching offers and closing deals.
Fact is,

1. ALL the biggest players know this.

2. ALL the biggest players practice this.

No matter how strong their online presence is.

When it comes to REVENUE, the BIGGEST players rely on phone sales to handle the heavy lifting.

Why? Because it’s the easiest, most proven way to maximize sales and increase customer value.

There’s Only One Problem

I know what you’re thinking… “This sounds great Sean, only problem, I’m not a phone guy!”

Don’t worry, I understand.

Plus the reality is, most business owners SUCK at phone sales.

But even if you were The Wolf of freakin’ Wall Street, it STILL wouldn’t make sense to have you on the horn all day.

You have a million other things that require your attention.

Like managing contractors and employees… buying media…  tracking conversion… running operations!
You’re focused on keeping things running smooth but more importantly the cash flowing!

Odds are you're already being spread too thin.

The LAST thing you need is another task to take up more hours of your day.

Trust me, the last thing you need is another task taking up more of your time.  After all… Freedom is the ultimate goal, right?

This is why you need a team who you can rely on to handle the heavy lifting.

A team who can breathe new life into your sales force by boosting revenue as a result of high ticket sales.

Freeing you up to focus where you’re needed most:

  > High-level strategy.

  > Media & traffic.

  > Lead generation.

  > SCALING your business.

Put simply, you need a team CLOSERS with a track record but...
"These guys are great at what they do"
Dawn Patrol

Be Careful Who You Trust

You see, these days everyone and their brother claims to be a high ticket closer… That is until the moment it comes to actually jumping on a call.
Speaking of which, the word “CLOSER” used to MEAN something.

You couldn't just take some course, learn some cookie-cutter buzz words, and call it a day.

You EARNED the title…

  …by pounding the phones.

  …learning personality types.

  …triggering a buyer's mindset.

  …getting backed in a corner & overcoming objections.

  …and when it’s all said and done, commanding the close, turning the pitch into cold hard cash!

And that’s been my story for the last twenty years.

Let Me Introduce Myself

My name is Sean Smith, and I’ve been in phone sales for the past two decades...
* Channeling my inner Heisenberg
Since 2002, my team and I have closed TENS of MILLIONS of dollars of sales over the phone across a dozens of different industries.

More importantly, we’ve TRANSFORMED businesses through strategic partnerships.

Partnerships where we introduce, create, and manage BIG ticket sales.

Taking some of our partners from barely surviving to THRIVING.

Taking them from worrying about paying their office rent to searching for ski cabins and summer beach houses.

“Sean is awesome!

This has my highest recommendation.

Sean can be a valuable turn-key profit center for you. Keyword PROFIT!

This means the $$$ falls to your bottom line… while all you do is cash the checks!”

–Travis Sago

Exactly What Do We Do?

To be more precise, we partner with publishers, course creators, coaches, consultants, service providers... you name it.

We fill the void for phone sales for our partners.

To be exact, we handle every aspect of phone sales for our partners.

Regardless of the market our partners serve… there are VERY FEW business problems that can’t be solved by simply MULTIPLYING the amount of money you bring in per lead.

THAT’S what we do.

Closers from our team will jump on a call with your daily customers, past customers, and qualified leads. Start peeling back the layers, digging deep into the prospects mind, past all their surface excuses and find the core motivations that REALLY drive them to action.

We position YOUR offer as the logical solution they’ve been looking for. The no-brainer that’s going to pull the thorn out of their paw and take them to where they want to be.

Then we gently guide them towards making the decision that’s best for them… That’s your product or service.

And since it all comes together for them… since it all makes sense… since the buying process is actually valuable and ENJOYABLE for them.

They’re willing to pay PREMIUM prices for your offers and upgrades.

This is why we can easily close 4-figure and 5-figure deals daily without skipping a beat.

10X Yours Monthly Revenue

In some cases we’re able to 10x our clients revenue WITHOUT making any other changes.
But here’s the REALLY exciting part:

When you add this type of sophisticated sales process… when you show you care about your prospects’ needs… when you make them feel APPRECIATED…

A percentage of these prospects are going to want MORE.
They’re gonna want to go DEEPER.

They’re willing to buy into EVERYTHING you have to offer.

We’ve had clients literally create new $25K, $50K, $100K packages… just to satisfy the demand our sales team creates.

You see, our team is stacked with talented master closers with a long history in sales.

Several OG’s on the team who know nothing but sales.

I’m talking, a three decade track record of phone sales.

This is an experience that can’t be duplicated or faked.

In fact, our most senior-level salesman Ted has sold upfront deals worth $100,000.

You read right, 100K sold upfront.

Granted the entire transaction took a couple days to complete.

Let me paint you a VERY CLEAR picture.

The 100K deal started as a simple 2K upsell pitch.  

Although when Ted got into the pitch the customer started asking for a custom training plan not for just him but for his entire team. Plus a few other things that were part of the offer.

Ted being the Sr. closer he is… Got the requirements from the customer… Got with our partner (the product owner)… Verified the details.

Then he went back to the client… Gave the BIG pitch. And get this… He closed the deal!

Yep $100K!

$50K ran on the customers AMEX… The remainder was sent via bankwire.

What would a sale like THAT do for your business?

How many $100K sales would it take to turn a “bad” month into a record-breaking one?

Those are the kind of turnarounds we produce.

Our team has changed belief systems…

We’ve taken several partners in obscure niches from struggling to make 6-figures a month… To smashing expectations where 6-figure months in sales are the standard.

We even took an established Financial publisher who was selling $0 in phone sales to generating multiple 6-figure months and a 7-figure year just as a result of our team's efforts.

In another case for our partner who also happens to be a financial publisher.

We took them from $0 in phone sales to writing over $4-million dollar in BIG ticket sales.

Call it “found money” because both partners were doing zero in phone sales before they decided to partner with us.

Starting to see the value?

Interested in Partnering?

As of right now I am looking for 1-2 other ambitious business owners who want to dramatically increase their profit margins…

So they can SCALE quickly… and start moving the revenue needle month after month…

Is that you?

If so then you and I should talk.

Because IF you have a proven offer that’s already converting online…
IF you’re ready to play and win big…

If you’re shooting to cross the 6 figure monthly mark and hit higher and higher levels every month.

Then my team and I would want to work MAGIC with you.

In fact, I’m so confident in our abilities to knock it out the park for the right partner…

The Catch 
(The Fine Print)

There are ZERO upfront fees to work with us!

We don’t want to be another expense for you. Lord knows you have enough of those!

We want to be a PAYCHECK for you.

A source of dependable, risk-free REVENUE.

In fact, we don’t get paid a dime… until after YOU get paid!

Our entire business model is based on receiving a percentage of the revenue WE create.

This way, our interests are always 100% aligned.

Our sole purpose is moving the needle by boosting sales!

And while sure… you do have to give up a small piece of the pie.

The pie we’ll be baking is MUCH larger than the one you’re eating now.

Just think about it…

If you’re currently having a hard time converting $500 or $1K programs…

Would you rather keep 100% of those $1K sales?

Or let us help you generate $2k, $5K, $10K, and $25K sales from those exact same leads…

...then you send us our agreed upon commission?

In other words...

Would you rather net $1K per lead on your own… or over double by working with us?

It’s a no-brainer, right? Our services are BETTER THAN FREE!

We’re literally write our own paycheck. Plus, you make piles
of cash along the way.

Let’s Connect!

So obviously I need to be VERY selective about who we partner with.

And that’s why I must talk with each potential partner before we proceed.

It’s a must see whether or not we’re a good fit to work together.

That’s my ONLY goal here.

As ironic as it may sound, even though I’m a “sales guy” this is NOT a sales call.

Because I have nothing to sell you.

For the right partners our service sells itself.

The question isn’t whether or not you want to work with us.

The question is whether or not there’s synergy between our team, you, and your offer!

And the truth is, we turn away 90% of the people who want to work with us.

Trust me, I’ve been at this for a couple decades.  

I know exactly what makes our team thrive.

“Sean, what do you consider a good fit?"

Simple, our team MUST have the potential to exceed 6-figures a month in sales for you.

Think there’s synergy here? Think we’re a good fit to work together?

This is where things get very, VERY exciting.

But there’s only one way to find out.

Click here & fill out the form.

I’ll review the details and reach out via text and email to schedule a time for us to talk.

No pressure. No obligation. Nothing to get nervous about.

I’ll just give you our honest assessment… and see whether or not it’s in
both of our best interests to work together.

If it is?

I’d start shopping for some beachfront property :) 

Because we’ll move the needle!

And the only way to find out for sure is click here now! 

Anyways… that’s all I got.

I appreciate your time.

I look forward to talking to you soon!
Sean Smith
P.S. TLDR (Too long didn’t read). Here’s the summary

Who are we? 

We are a commission only sales team with an 8-figure sales track record since 2002!

* Hence the name, Commission Only Closers!

What do we specialize in?

Closing high ticket phone sales. More specifically, helping our partners move the revenue needle by converting financially qualified leads into $2k, $5K, $10K, and $25K sales.

How do we do it?

One of three ways.

1. Hybrid upsell model:
We are integrated into our partners' online sales funnel so every online customer is strategically funneled to us to be pitched an upsell.  

How? Typically, customers are instructed to confirm their online purchase. Once they call in, we confirm their purchase then go into the upsell pitch (if the customer financially qualifies).

Here is a complete write up on it, click here.

Appointment model:
Our partners fill our calendar with financially qualified applicants. A closer from our team calls each applicant at the designated date and time requested to pitch the offer and close the deal.

Re-engagement campaign:
Our setters will engage your past clients by calling, texting, or emailing. Once the past client interacts with our setter the sales process begins.

Our experience:

1. Financial market:  
Our closers upsell clients into Stock & Option training courses, focused mentorships, and done for you trading services. The deals we close typically range from $2k to $6K with the occasional $25K custom deal.

2. Fitness market:  
Our team is the upsell arm for a very reputable fitness and diet course. Our role is to upsell and set up payment plans for 1 on 1 virtual training services. The average deal we close ranges from $500 to $1,500.  

Not the premium we typically command but the volume makes this deal work.

3. Sports betting market:  
Our closers upsell services for professional bettors & handicappers who sell their advice (much like traders). The average deal we close ranges from $1k to $5K. Although we’ve closed deals from $20k, $50K, to $600K ←- Not a typo. The x-factor, how financially qualified the lead is.

4. Info products & course creators (knowledge based experts):
Our closers have closed BIG ticket deals for many partners in this space ranging from wedding photographers, lead gen., video editors, survival guide experts, how to scalp crypto and everything in between.

It’s the same story, typically creators can command $50 to $200 online but produce minimal upsells without a professional closer. Depending on the upsell product and how financially qualified the leads are we tend to close $500 to $3K per deal.

5. Business coaches, Marketing Gurus, & consultants:
Our team has been on the backend of a handful of launches in these markets. Whether it’s upselling access to an exclusive mentorship program or access to a high level facebook group. Our team has closed thousands of deals between $5K to $10K in business/guru market.

How exactly do we move the revenue needle?

It’s simple! Historically our partners are amazing at buying media, generating traffic, lead gen., digital marketing, and online sales funnels.

Their weakness… Phone sales. Even though our partners know there’s a fortune in phone sales they fall short because they lack the skill set and know how to do BIG ticket phone sales.

This is where our team fills the gap.

Our team has an 8-figure track record of closing BIG ticket deals exclusively doing phone sales.

Are we for hire?

YES! Although we are very selective in who we partner with.

Here’s our criteria:

A. There must be synergy between us, our partners, and the offers we pitch.  

The reason we perform at such a high level is because we enjoy what we do. If we do not vibe for any reason. We will kindly pass.

 B. Our partners must have a solid lead flow.

Nothing crushes a team of closers more than cold calling and chasing cold prospects.

Our focus is keeping each closer on the phone with financially targeted leads.

How do we get paid?

We are commission only, meaning, we get paid strictly off commission.

Will your customers know you’re using an outsourced phone room?

Absolutely NOT!

We are a private label solution, meaning, there’s never a disconnect from your brand.

Our team will always represent your brand whether it’s an inbound or outbound call.

Interested? Here’s what you do next.

Got a solid offer?

Have a steady lead flow?

Feel our team could be an immediate asset!

Click here then fill out the questionnaire.

* Myself or someone from my team will be in contact within the next 24-hours!

P.P.S. “Wow Sean, this sounds great! Can you train me on how to do what you do?”

Unfortunately the answer is no!
The one thing about high ticket sales…  

Those who CAN command the close prefer to practice their craft and get paid off performance.

Those who CANNOT tend to teach, train, or recruit high ticket sales.

There is no shortage of cookie cutter training for High Ticket Closers out there.

That’s not us… My team and I are in the trenches daily pitching and closing deals. 

We leave the “training”, “recruiting”, and “placing closers” to the other guys… that’s not us!

If you’d like our team to start closing more BIG Ticket Sales for you… Click the button below!

Frequently Asked Questions

Need more details on how we operate?  Read our blog!

Contact us by clicking here calling or texting: 702-308-0401
Copyright 2024